We offer a wide range of programs and services to meet the needs of those affected by a brain injury or physical disability. We assist them and their families by providing programs, information and resources to assist in their journey. We also foster awareness through public outreach and media.

We work to raise awareness and help people affected by our cause. Our success is measured in the number of people we can help with the quality of programs and services we provide. These programs are fueled by our dedicated staff, caring volunteers and generous donors like you.
Our organization works to bring awareness of the effects of brain injury and disabilities on individuals and their families, while assisting them in rebuilding their skills to complete everyday tasks they were once able to do independently, before terrible tragedy struck in the form of a car accident, stroke, assault, fall, brain surgery, sports or combat/blast related concussions as well as debilitating diseases.
Frequently, survivors are placed in nursing homes at a young age or left without a support system to help them cope with their disability and work toward a plan for building their lives. Our services prevent people from being inappropriately placed in nursing homes, institutional settings or from becoming homeless and allows survivors the dignity of living more independently.
Bridges For Brain Injury, Inc. is a New York State Medicaid Waiver provider of home and community based services to adult survivors (18yrs & up) of brain injuries, those with physical disabilities & debilitating diseases within the Rochester & Finger Lakes Regions. Services can be funded through the Medicaid Waiver, Managed Care or private pay.
Each person receives a comprehensive assessment and a service plan that is individually tailored to meet their specific goals, interests, and needs. These services can include service coordination, life skills training and day program services.